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Pay Per Click (PPC)

Pay Per Click (PPC) can help start making sales immediately which in turn can give the funds needed to promote your site via other means. If you need immediate targeted traffic, this is one way to get it, but at a cost, and as soon as you stop paying, your traffic stops, so it is not a long term solution. In some industries however, it can pay off as a long term solution, so it is definitely worth considering.


Effective Management Is The Key To Success

Competition Analysis

The first step is to analyze the website's competiton.


Target Audience

What keywords does your target audience use to find your product? CWDA answers that question.


Ad Creation

The ad copy is critical to the Click Through Rate (CTR). We create ads that are compelling to your target audience. We also create multiple ads to narrow down which ads are performing best. This means better conversion and CTR.


Landing Page

The landing page is the page the visitor goes to after the ad is clicked. If your landing page does not make a user want to buy we can help optimize the landing page for better conversion.


Nationwide, Local, or Both?

We can target a nationwide audience or a local audience. If your product or service is for a specific region it is best to target that area.


Monitoring and Optimizing

We will monitor your ads and determine which ads and keywords are performing best. We will then eliminate the keywords and ads that are not performing, saving you money.



You will have access to all of your campaigns. We can also create custom reports if a hands-off style is your preference.


Why Custom Website Design Atlanta?

Many of our competitors consider placing ads and doing basic monitoring and reporting a good PPC campaign. CWDA goes beyond our competiton and provides a comprehensive Pay Per Click campaign that is customized, monitored, and optimized for you.


We stick to your budget while increasing your click through rate, conversion rate, customer responses, and ROI.

Want to learn more about our Internet marketing or print marketing services? Answer a few questions and you'll receive a free quote. It's easy. Simply call us at 404-759-0350 or fill out our online form and we can answer your questions, determine your needs, and start designing a plan to meet your objectives and budget.